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Showing posts from September, 2017

A day in the life of a VERY pregnant , health coach , full time working mother!

Hello there my beloved readers…Its been a while I blogged. I thought I need to blog again because  lots of my coaching clients wants to know what to eat and how to find time to exercise and move and so much more. I want to lead by example and for the benefit of my clients and my readers I will write a blog about my DAY. I have 24 hours just like everyone else and I juggle work, home duties, a toddler , a super busy eight year old and my coaching clients.  Today is a blessed day not just because it is Eid and the beginning of long weekend for us Dubai dwellers. But the much awaited opening of the swimming pool has happened. Ok we were planning to go to pool by 6 in the morning but we overslept!!! I dragged myself out of the bed because JJ woke up suddenly screaming “we are late to go to the pool"!!!! OK, now everyone is fully awake with that shrieking even Linuk. I drank my 500ml water and finished my bathroom duties and start ordering everyone around. I ate a slice of wh